Safe Use of Abortion Pills for Unintended Pregnancy

Unintended parenthood can lead to problems between couples. And if you are a single parent, it is an added responsibility shuffling between work life and home life simultaneously without anyone’s assistance. Now that is hard for several folks, and unplanned pregnancy is not always good news for the woman in question. Thus, at times, medical abortion is one of the ways that females choose. Being an in-home procedure, without surgical equipment, medications are often preferred in early pregnancy as a solution to undesirable conception.

In the following post, we will discuss the benefits of MTP Kit pills and how you can obtain these safely at your doorstep.

How to Take MTP Kit Medicines?

MTP Kit is one of the pregnancy termination medicine packs. It contains the FDA-approved 200mg Mifepristone and Misoprostol 200mcg x 4 pills. Here is the intake method for these pills:

·        Mifepristone: An anti-progesterone pill that blocks the pregnancy hormone – progesterone, Mifepristone discharges the embryo from the implantation lining of the uterus. It breaks the endometrium and prepares you for expelling the pregnancy parts from the womb. You need to take this pill orally with water on day 1.

·        Misoprostol: A prostaglandin E1 analog that creates contractions in the uterus, Misoprostol 200mcg x 4 pills dispel the products of conception from the womb by resulting in heavy vaginal bleeding. You need to take the medication 24 to 48 hours after Mifepristone dosage, buccally or vaginally as per your ease. You may encounter cramps and lower abdomen pain for which you can use a hot water bag or a heating pad. For the pain, you can take a painkiller.

After 14 days from the beginning of the medical abortion course, visit a clinic for ultrasound imaging of the uterus to know if all the pregnancy parts have been removed from the womb. You can buy MTP Kit online and save on expenses. On purchasing more than one kit, you can also get a sizeable discount on the price.

How to Get Abortion Pills?

One of the easiest ways to get the medicines at your address is to buy abortion pills online from a reliable store for women’s healthcare. Look for the one that ensures privacy and offers medicines in a discreet package with fast shipping to your locality. Cost-effective medication from reputed manufacturers is what you must prefer, as then there is surety of authenticity. Also, Live Chat 24 x 7 for customer support will be an added advantage so that you can reach the experts for any queries at any time you need.

If you want to buy abortion pills online in USA, a pharmacy that allows delivery in 2 to 4 days through overnight shipping is the one you can go with for faster medicine delivery. Check with the store about the delivery options and choose the one that suits your needs. For instance, if you are around 9 weeks pregnant, you will require the pills urgently compared to one 4 weeks pregnant.

Final Words

Abortion with pills is common these days and growing in popularity among women who encounter an accidental or unplanned pregnancy. The medicines are safe to take and easy to use. If you follow the advice of a healthcare professional, there is no need for anyone else to administer these pills to you. It gives you the right over your body and freedom of choice as you can terminate the pregnancy comfortably at home by yourself.


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