Destigmatizing Abortion with Misoprostol

Sometimes, society stigmatizes some things that they find to be opposing their beliefs. Medical abortion with the help of abortion pills like mifepristone and misoprostol is one such stigmatized thing in society. 

A woman’s reproductive rights depend on the regulations levied by the government. Abortion is a subject very little talked about; apart from women, people are least interested in addressing the topic. This showcases that the abortion stigma is still very much alive in the minds of people, women included.

Abortion with misoprostol is the safest and most effective method of ending an early pregnancy. You can buy misoprostol online and perform the abortion procedure from the comfort of your home. 

Destigmatizing the medical abortion process can lead to improved health care for women who seek abortion but are sometimes met with rejection or the unavailability of resources. This could put them in trauma or depression, and they follow the path of unsafe abortion in unsafe ways. 

Addressing the stigmas surrounding misoprostol abortion

Society looks at abortion as a sin; they have their own religious beliefs regarding misoprostol abortion. Stigmatizing abortion can never improve the quality of abortion care. Women can face issues like poor treatment in clinics, disallowance of access to abortion facilities, unnecessary tests and waiting periods, a lack of abortion resources, and poor infrastructure in clinics. 

This won’t improve unless and until society starts seeing abortion as a life-saving option for women. Abortion stigma can prevent many women from getting an abortion. Stigma promotes unease about abortion, which fuels misunderstandings and ignorance of the procedure. 

The widespread stigma and false information are used as a weapon to create and promote obstacles to abortion, such as regulations limiting access, organizations (such as insurance companies and medical schools) limiting knowledge, and false portrayals in the media.

Is misoprostol safe and effective for abortion?

Misoprostol is the most effective and safe abortion pill to terminate a pregnancy. Though taken in combination with mifepristone, it alone can also end a pregnancy. If you are seeking abortion with misoprostol, have a conversation with your healthcare provider, as you may need to increase the dosage. Abortion with misoprostol helps protect women's reproductive rights

Once misoprostol gets absorbed in your body, it causes contractions in the uterus, dilates your cervix, and pushes the pregnancy out of your uterus through the vagina. That comes out in the form of heavy bleeding or sometimes clots, which is normal during the abortion procedure. 

Misoprostol should be taken after a meal, as it causes some mild to moderate side effects. The pills can be taken orally, buccally (keep them under your tongue and let them dissolve), or vaginally (insert them in your vagina and let them dissolve). The pills will start working after 3–4 hours, and side effects may last for a week or two. You can buy misoprostol online and perform an at-home abortion without any interruption.


Medical abortion is the easiest and safest method of terminating a pregnancy. Abortion stigma is real and can affect many women across the world. Once the idea of abortion gets destigmatized, the quality of abortion care will improve, and the reproductive rights of women will be protected. 
